Now buying 4 spring

Now buying 4 spring ★

No appointment necessary! We buy on a first-come-first-serve basis. Buys are accepted for same day service until we have reached capacity. We accept buys for overnight drop off service at any time. We recommend calling ahead to see what the current wait time is prior to selling. All sellers must be at least 18 years old and bring a valid photo ID.

All items must be washed & folded prior to selling and brought in one of the following types of containers: 

  • 1 plastic laundry basket

  • 1 large sized Ikea tote

  • Up to 4 small reusable totes

We will NOT accept items brought in:

  • trash bags or cardboard

  • suitcases or backpacks

  • garment bags or hangers

  • boxes

  • loose items

Our trained buyers will assess items based on style, season, condition and our current inventory levels. Items not purchased by FreeStyle may be donated by end of next business day, if unclaimed

How to Sell at freestyle

Freestyle selling tips

  • Hello FreeStyle here! Just a little tip to make your selling experience a breeze: think about what the weather's like and what season we're in before you decide what to sell. For instance, cozy sweaters and warm coats are perfect for the winter chill, while those airy tank tops and cute mini dresses are just the thing for summer.

  • Oh, and you might have heard some chatter about snipping off tags or making little edits to your clothes before selling them – but trust us, it's not the way to go. Keeping your items just as they are, tags and all, is actually better for their value and makes them more appealing to buyers.

  • Before you send your items our way, take a quick moment to check over them. While we're on the lookout for items in good condition, if your piece is super trendy or in high demand, we might still snatch it up even if it has a little wear and tear, like a missing button or a small stain. Just remember, the style has to be just right, but quality is still key!

    FreeStyle does NOT accept:

  • maternity

  • formal wear

  • business suits

  • undergarments

  • children’s clothing

  • jewelry

  • furniture

  • suitcases

  • used swimwear

    Hope that helps! Can't wait to see what amazing items you'll bring into FreeStyle!